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Helen McCabe and Jamila Rizvi invite you to hear from politicians, policy experts and change makers, to dissect how the Australian Government's 2024 budget will impact women.
Enjoy networking drinks, a two-course meal and beverages at the incredible Great Hall – inside Parliament House – as well as a keynote address from Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher, Minister for Finance, Women and the Public Service. Guests will hear from some of Australia's leading voices on the economy, gender and public policy in a panel discussion featuring Padma Raman PSM, Executive Director of the Office for Women, The Hon Anna Bligh AC, CEO of Australian Banking Association and Dr Angela Jackson, Lead Economist of Impact Economics and Policy.
Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Time: Networking drinks from 6:30pm. Dinner and panel discussion 7:00pm - 9:30pm AEST.
Venue: Great Hall | Parliament House | Parliament Drive, Canberra ACT 2600
Tickets: $395 for individuals and $3,950 for tables of 10, includes networking drinks, 2-course meal and 2-hour beverage packages.
Ticket prices above are inclusive of GST.
Exclusive FW member discounts apply.

Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher
Minister for Finance, Women, the Public Service and Government Services

Padma Raman PSM
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Executive Director of the Office for Women
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Please note, photos and video will be taken at the event. If you do not agree to your photo being used by Future Women in promotional material covering the event, please email
10% of ticket sales will be donated to FW charity partners.